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I am Joey Ford

Your Functional Movement Specialist
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Meet Joe Ford, Your Functional Movement Specialist

Joe Ford is a dedicated personal trainer whose training style emphasizes functional movement, injury prevention, and holistic fitness. With a wealth of experience and a passion for helping clients achieve their goals, Joe brings a unique approach to fitness that focuses on long-term health and well-being.

Training Philosophy: Joe’s training philosophy is centred around functional movement, which involves exercises that mimic real-life movements and activities. By focusing on functional movements, Joe helps his clients improve their overall strength, flexibility, and mobility, leading to better performance in daily activities and reduced risk of injuries.

Client-Centered Approach: Joe believes in tailoring each workout to the individual. He takes the time to understand his clients’ fitness levels, preferences, goals, and any injuries or limitations they may have. This personalized approach ensures that every session is effective, enjoyable, and safe.

Emphasis on Injury Prevention: In addition to helping clients achieve their fitness goals, Joe prioritizes injury prevention. He incorporates exercises and techniques that promote proper form, alignment, and stability, reducing the risk of injuries during workouts and in everyday life.

Strength and Cardiovascular Training: Joe’s workouts are well-rounded, incorporating elements of strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. This balanced approach helps clients build lean muscle, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall fitness levels.

Positive and Motivating Environment: Clients appreciate Joe’s positive and motivating coaching style. He creates a supportive environment that encourages clients to push themselves while also respecting their limits and progress at their own pace.

Whether you’re aiming to improve functional fitness, build strength, enhance mobility, or simply lead a healthier lifestyle, Joe Ford is committed to helping you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.